Raci-Babi Methods of Payment

Web Order Payments


via PayPal


Raci-Babi.com processes your payments using PayPal, however this does not require you to have a PayPal account.


PayPal allows you to checkout as a guest by paying with a debit or credit card. This option is usually presented near the bottom of the PayPal checkout initial page.


With the PayPal checkout system Raci-Babi.com never sees or collects your payment method account information. This keeps your personal information confidential within the PayPal system.


PayPal is a third party payment processor, therefore they are solely responsible for protecting your payment information and keeping it safe. Please be sure to check PayPal's terms and conditions for an explanation of how they protect your information and privacy.



Optional Payment Methods


Check or Money Order


If desired we can process your order over the phone.


Please contact us using our Contact Us webpage OR call or text us using the contact information at the bottom of this page and we will be happy to complete your order on the phone.